What did you say? $461.30 in FREE Thirty-One Goodies!!
It's true folks...it's true. My last hostess, AKA Teri (one of my many wonderful sister in laws), held the most AmAzInG party!! Her party totaled a whopping $2306.50!!! She now holds the record for my biggest party!! She truly is the "Hostess with the Mostess." She earned so many free goodies that she didn't know what to do with herself!! I think she got ALL of her holiday shopping taken care of!! (expect for a boy here and there)
She earned 20% in FREE goodies ($461.30), 5 half price items, FREE shipping and the Large Utility Tote for only $5!! She truly got some amazing, personalized gifts!! Family, friends, teachers...you name it, they will now be receiving a phenomenal personalized gift from Thirty-One!!
However, I do want to acknowledge my other recent hostesses who have also given very successful parties (patry sales in parentheses)!! Jackie Guynes ($1000.50), Susan Gillespie ($513.00), Linda Martinez ($801.00), Kathy Hunt ($547.00), Julie Morrow ($364.00), Barbara Clary ($888.50) and last but not least, another wonderful Sister in Law, Betsy Brininstool Nethery($847.50). All of these women earned a TON of free and half price product...and nearly all of them earned FREE shipping!!

Last but not least, I would like to recognize my wonderful team!! First off, let me tell you how easy it has been to recruit fellow consultants...everyone I meet simply LOVES the products, so they have just wanted to jump on board!! Personally, I know have 6 consultants that I have directly recruited!! When Melanie and Tiffany qualified I became promoted to Senior Consultant. Last month, Sarah and Gina became qualified, which puts me in qualification status to become promoted to Director!! I am beyond excited about my success with Thirty-One and this upcoming promotion. I will officially be a Director as of the end of October! I began my Thirty-One career on May 1st...nearly 6 months later, November 1st I am receiving a huge promotion!
In addition, I want to welcome Betsy and Cassie to my team!! I would also like to congratulate all of my recruits...on their recruits!! As a team we have SIXTEEN wonderful women (from Texas (San Antonio, West Texas and the Panhandle), New York and Maine!! Way to go ladies!! This is awesome for a team that is only 5 and a half months old!! I am looking forward to working with each of you on a more personal level and my new role with Thirty-One.
I truly feel completely blessed that I found Thirty-One. There are so many things that I love about it...Christian based, the CUTE items we sell, personalized/monogrammed, the people I have met (who work for the company and at parties), my financial success, being able to be a stay at home Mom and be there for my daughter, running my own business...and so much more!! If you are interested in making Thirty-One a part of your life, I would love to chat with you and help you get started!! I would love to answer any questions, help you brainstorm on monogramming, business ideas and more! It is honestly the best investment I have made...for so many reasons!!
Kristens31Gifts@satx.rr.com or 210-373-7950
In addition...be sure to become a FAN of "Kristen's 31 Gifts" on Facebook!! Stay up to date on the latest updates, specials and more!!
Our exclusive Holiday Gift Guide will be making its debut on November 1st, just in time for the holidays!
The Christmas cut off for orders is December 14th!! Be sure to get your parties booked!! Great gifts for everyone...even stocking stuffers! Moms, Dads, kids, teachers, babysitters...the list goes on!!