Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kristen's 31 Gifts MEETS Networked Blog!

If you are one of my fabulous Facebook fans, I have made keeping up with my blog easier!!

You can now follow Kristen's 31 Gifts on "Networked Blog" through Facebook!! It's easy to follow...just click, accept and my blog posts will appear in your news feed!

Also, be on the lookout for upcoming contests and incentives!! Start "suggesting" my page and blog to all your friends...once we hit 1000 fans/likes...there will be amazing products coming your way!!

How do you suggest? Simply visit Kristen's 31 Gifts on Facebook and click "suggest to friends" underneath my profile picture!! ...from the Network Blog screen, click "invite people to join" which is under the thumbnail of my blog!

Let me know if you have any questions!! Thanks so much for your continued support!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I have a question, I'm getting ready to sign up to be a consultant and in reading the terms and conditions it says that "I will protect the Company's trademarks and trade name by not reproducing the Company's name and/or trademarks or copy any of the Company's marterials for use in any advertising without the prior written approval of the Company."

    I have a blog so my question is did you get written approval before doing this blog and if so how did you go about that? thanks! Sarah
