Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My journey with Thirty-One...

My name is Kristen Brininstool and I am a Director for Thirty-One! I began my career as a consultant in May of 2009 when my daughter was 8 months old. I wanted to be able to stay at home with her and working for Thirty-One has allowed me to do so!

Prior to the birth of my daughter, I had been working at a local stationery and gift store. It was a happy place that sold anything and everything that was cute, personalized, bright, etc!! Needless to say, when my sister-in-law discovered Thirty-One…she immediately thought of me!! I had never been interested in any of the Direct Sales companies…but Thirty-One just spoke to me! I quickly became obsessed with wanting to start this journey and my husband fully supported my decision. He wanted me to find something where I could bring home at least $500 a month…so far I am at least doubling or tripling this (and he is still in awe at my success).

Thirty-One is a faith based company whose name is derived from Proverbs 31. The founder’s mission is to celebrate, reward and encourage the woman in the family…and that is exactly what we do!!

Why Thirty-One? I love Thirty-One for many reasons. Our products sell themselves; they are fun, whimsical, functional and personalized! Who doesn’t love giving or receiving a gift with their name on it? Many other direct sales companies are tailored for more personalized tastes. Whereas with Thirty-One, even if you don’t see something for yourself (which I guarantee you will!), you will see the perfect graduation gift, teachers gift, bridesmaids, mother’s day, birthday, baby shower or just because gift!!

Thirty-One can provide you with additional income to satisfy the need in your life. For me, it was being able to be a stay-at-home mom. For others, Thirty-One is a fund for grandchildren, shopping sprees, teenagers clothes, a new car fund, credit card debt, mother’s day out, dance/karate class…or just some fun “me-time” away from the hectic busyness of day-to-day life!

I promoted to Senior Consultant after 3 short months and then to Director two months later. I love having such a fun, driven, successful group of women to work with!! They span from Texas, Maine, New York, North Carolina, Mississippi, Indiana, Virginia, Ohio, Connecticut and Kentucky!! I would love to have you as an addition to my team!!

Please look through our current catalog and let me know if there is something that catches your eye! I would love to help you with the next step; whether that is ordering, hosting a party or starting your career as a consultant!


Like it? Place an Order!
Love it? Host a Party!
Want it all? Become a Consultant!

Questions or more information:

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