Friday, August 5, 2011

Team Jaylie Fundraiser

***If you cannot make a purchase at this time, please help support Jaylie by sharing this event/fundraiser and letting others know. Thank you!***

Join Team Jaylie for an exclusive shopping experience with Thirty-One. You're going to love the products and the August special is incredible!! 15% OFF everything in the NEW Fall/Winter catalog!!

View Fall/Winter catalog here!

Please join us in raising funds for Jaylie by shopping online or contacting a member of Team Jaylie!

Click here to Shop Online for Jaylie's Fundraiser!

Kristen Brininstool, Ind. Executive Director with Thirty-One, is donating 100% of her proceeds from this sale helping Jaylie and her family with her fight against cancer.

In April 2011, Jaylie Nielson complained of vision problems and was quickly taken to the emergency room. After a series of tests, her family learned that their precious 5-year-old daughter had a brain tumor. Jaylie underwent immediate brain surgery and the tumor was successfully removed. But the resulting biopsy revealed that tumor is an extremely aggressive and rare form of cancer: Supratentoral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET). Jaylie is now undergoing the challenge and trauma of chemotherapy and radiation treatment for many months. Let's be there to support her during this journey!

To learn more about Jaylie, click here:

Thank you so much!!

Kristen Brininstool
Ind. Executive Director
Thirty-One Gifts


Saturday, July 2, 2011

NEW 31 Facebook Page!!

I hope you are having a fabulous summer! Can you believe it's July?? I hope everyone is ready for a Happy 4th of July weekend!!

I wanted to share an update with you!! I have a NEW group on Facebook for my customers, hostesses and fans!
Please click here to join
Kristen's 31 Gifts: Kristen Brininstool, Independent Executive Director.

Thirty-One has updated their Facebook policies and as of August 1st, I will no longer have my Fan/Like I need to spread the word!! WE'RE a group!! ...and I hope you can make the move!

Once you request to join, I will approve your request and add you to the group! You can then click "edit settings" at the top to choose what posts you get notified about :)

I absolutely love sharing Thirty-One with you on Facebook and I'm looking forward to our new community!

Join the group to stay up to date on specials, exclusive giveaways, mystery hostess events, new products, my business and so much more!!

The more the merrier...feel free to share my group on your page by posting the link to your wall OR if you know your friends are already Thirty-One fans...simply click "add friends" under the member section!

Thanks so much for your support!

Kristen Brininstool
Ind. Executive Director
Thirty-One Gifts

Facebook: Click Here

Like it? Place an Order | Love it? Host a Party | Want it all? Become a Consultant

Monday, June 6, 2011

Wait List Update...(31 is thawing out!!)

Have you heard the news?? Thirty-One will be extending an exclusive invitation to the first 3,100 women that joined the Wait-List to enroll as consultants!! Woohoo!

Thirty-One was the fastest growing company in their industry last year! As a result, we were busting at the seams!! Thirty-One temporarily stopped accepting new enrollments in February in order to focus on our home office. We have been "frozen"...but it's beginning to "thaw"!! They have been hiring, expanding and increasing production like crazy...and boy are we ready!!!

Our official wait list went into effect on May 4th. We currently have 15,000+ women chomping at the bit to join this amazing company!!

Consultants in the first 3,100 who are ready to rock 'n roll will receive our Summer Jump Start Kit:

  • Flat Iron Case Circle Spirals
  • Cinch Sac Pink Circle Spirals
  • Organizing Utility Tote Circle Spirals
  • Market Tote Circle Spirals, embroidered with the Wait List 2011 logo!
  • Small Rosette Clip Pink
These consultants are going to be SO pumped up...that when they sell $500 in their first 15 days, they will earn the Jump Start BONUS kit for FREE!!! ($300 worth of goodies!!) ....but wait, there's more!!! When they meet their Start Swell Goals, they can also earn the Girl on the Go kit, which is also worth $300!!!

Wow, it really is true..."the best things in life are worth the wait." I truly love Thirty-One and everything they do for their consultants!! Our "ladies in waiting" are going to get spoiled and pampered!!

If you haven't joined the is the time!! Sign up today to save your place in line!!! I can't wait to welcome you to my phenomenal team of "31 Queen B's!"

Do you want MORE?
I'm holding an exclusive "Thirty-One Scavenger Hunt" for the ladies on my Wait-List! I am emailing out a set of questions on the 1st and 15th of each month! For every set of question that you answer, I will bank $5 for you to spend on NEW Fall/Winter products after you enroll!! This will add even MORE to your display kit!! This is just a little way for me to thank you for being so patient! Contact me to start playing!!

Have Questions? I'd love to chat!!

Kristen Brininstool
Ind. Executive Director
Thirty-One Gifts

Talk: 210-373-7950

Like it? Place an Order | Love it? Host a Party | Want it all? Become a Consultant

Saturday, June 4, 2011

June: You will fall in love with Thirty-One all over again!!

Wow!! I just celebrated my two year anniversary with Thirty-One...and this month's special is the best I have ever seen!! The Utility Collection is my favorite...and the LARGE UTILITY TOTE (LUT) is the BEST...and it comes in NINE fabulous fabrics!!! But wait...there's more!! Our PINK CIRCLE SPIRALS print is available in our LUTs this month only!!!

During the month of June, when you spend $ can add this "must have" bag for 70% off...only $9 (reg. $30)!! ...AND it's per $31 that you spend!! Woohoo...spend $62, you will get TWO of them for $9 bucks!! ...etc!! This is a customer special that should not be passed up!!

If you don't own an "LUT" need one (really, two or three or four (if you catch my drift)). ...and here are 31 reasons why:

1. Back of the Car/Trunk Organizer (odd and ends)

2. Grocery Store

3. Picnic

4. Pool/Beach

5. Haul Gifts (esp during Birthday Parties or Holidays)

6. Soccer Games (sports field)

7. Sam's Club/Costco trips

8. One per Family Member

9. Laundry - clean AND dirty

10. Toy Bin

11. Sports Gear

12. Blankets

13. Game Night

14. Dress-Up Bin

15. Car Gear (jumper cables, washer fluid, etc)

16. Hats, Scarves, Gloves holder (monogrammed with "Winter Gear")

17. Camping

18. Scrapbooking Supplies (Cricut, Silhouette, etc)

19. Yarn-Monogrammed with "Strings N Things"

20. Travel Bag

21. Christmas Decorations

22. Dorm bag

23. Family Christmas Gift filled with goodies

24. Emergency Kit for severe weather warnings

25. Pet Supplies

26. Up/Downstairs Bag

27. Shoe Bag

28. Firewood

29. Bring in Vegetables from Garden

30. Tailgating Bag

31. Baby Stuff

...and here are some of these fabulous ideas in action!!

"Got Game?" - Ballpark!

"Party Time" - perfect for Birthday Parties!!

"Game Night"

"Dorm Gear" - laundry, etc!!

"Jett Family" - perfect to haul to the beach

Great for baby's room! Blankets, diapers, toys and more!

"Goal" - perfect for sports equipment and soccer fields!

"Polo!" - summer pool outings

"Family Fun" - day at the park

"Backyard BBQ" - bread, chips, food...oh my!

...and the list goes on and on!!
Last but not least, here is a little visual aid to help show you just how BIG our Large Utility Tote is!! (and you can tell there is still room for more!!)

I know you are hooked and you want to take part in the fabulous June special!!

Contact me today!

Kristen Brininstool
Independent Executive Director


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Operation PINK BOX is back!! Wait List NOW OPEN!!

As you know, for the past few months Thirty-One has been on a recruiting freeze (no one has been able to join our company). The reason for this was an amazing amount of growth. As of July the recruiting freeze is going to be lifted in time for our biggest selling time of the year with our new fall catalog.

Today, Thirty-One is starting their official waiting LIST. Sometime in July, Thirty-One will begin inviting consultants to join in order from this list (kind of like waiting for your table at a restaurant). If you are even considering it, you WANT TO GET ON THIS LIST.

In addition, don't forget about my exclusive "31 Scavenger Hunt." Every month I will email out 5 questions on the 1st and 15th until you are officially enrolled. This is a fun way to learn about Thirty-One AND earn some extra money to go towards products of your choice! You will receive $5 for every set of questions that you answer! This money will be banked with me until you enroll! In addition, I have a few BONUS options! Earn $10 when you host a party (home/catalog/online) or send me your List of 62!! Woohoo!! Easy money and FREE products to add to your display!! Want more? Join my Wait-List TODAY and earned an additional $5! You will have $40-60 in additional products when you join!! This my special gift to you for being so patient!! Remember, the best things in life are worth waiting for...and this is so true with Thirty-One!!

Kristen Brininstool
Ind. Executive Director
Thirty-One Gifts


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Have you heard the BUZZ...

I promoted to Director October 31, 2009...which meant I officially had my own team! I have been racking my brain ever since then to give us a name that MEANT something. My grandmother was Betty Jean...however, to us...she was "Mame." My first thought was to do something with "Jeans" (she didn't go by Betty)...all I could think of was "Blue Jean Baby"...and that didn't seem to do much for me. In addition to my grandmother, "Jean" is my daughter's middle this was going to honor both of them (because Brooklyn is my "why"..."why" I decided to give Thirty-One a whirl (and ever so blessed that I did!!)).

Since I couldn't come up with anything to do with thought process then moved towards bridges...yes bridges. If our last name was "Bridges", this might have been a fun play on words...but that is not the case. Brooklyn was named for her Daddy (Brooks), not the bridge...but it still seemed to be a symbolic reference that could be tied back to her. I also had a bit of a bridge obsession and have several framed black and white pics of infamous bridges. Bridges have a lot of meaning and they help you get from one point to another. Nonetheless, this didn't strike me as a great team name.

I tried contests with my team and tried to get their input. I was never "in love" with the suggestions. Although they were great, I decided it had to be something that I came up with...because that was the only way it would truly have meaning to me.

About a month ago I was ordering a few Thermal Totes (if you don't have one, you should order one...they are amazing!!). I was trying to come up with something to put on my "Tea & Coffee" tote and Gina so kindly suggested, "Caffeine Queen." Super cute. Loved it. Ordered it.

I sat and pondered about "Queen" and if that would be a fun team name. ...then BAM, I remembered that my grandfather, Popeye, called my grandmother "Queen Bee." I turned around and asked Brooks what he thought...and he was in agreement...the best thing I had come up with!

I thought about it from the time I left my computer room until I crawled in this point (all of 10 minutes later), I was hooked. We were going to be the "Queen Bee's". However, Brooks quickly brought it to my attention that we should be the "Queen B's" for Brininstool...loved it even more (and couldn't believe I hadn't put two and two together!). I didn't want to be "Team Brininstool"...but I love that it has a "B" in it.

This is the front of a Mary Englebreit greeting card that my Popeye gave to my Mame. We had it framed for was in their house...and also went to the nursing home with Popeye so his Queen Bee would be with him. My grandfather passed away soon after college and we lost Mame the week after Brooklyn was born. I was their only grandchild and we were amazingly close. It's pretty crazy how much you can miss someone. It was the most amazing blessing that Mame was able to meet our Brooklyn Jean...and got to hold her several times during her last week of life...and Brooklyn's first week of life. Everyday I pray that they are watching her grow, play, talk...and experiencing all of her greatness from above!

So, there you have it...we are the Queen B's!! Here is my new team logo that I just shared with my team!

I think there are so many fun "team" things that we will be able to do with "Queen." I always recognize my girls through our monthly instead of #1 sales, #1 party, etc...we will have "Queen Bee Recruiter" etc for each category!!

...and if you read about Bees...they are pretty darn interesting! They are hard workers, busy, etc! ...and we all know, we are "busy as a bee!"

Another fun husband and I have wanted to paint our study a buttery yellow with black trim since we moved in...and well, my team name just happens to fit right into that color scheme!!

I am so blessed to have an amazing team of women under me! I currently have nearly 500 fabulous women in over 35 states represented in my downline! I absolutely love Thirty-One and everything it has brought into my life. These amazing women have helped me to promote to Senior Director...and currently on track for Executive Director (this month!).

If you are interested in joining this amazing company...and want to join the Queen B's...I would love to give you more information! Due to Thirty-One's rapid growth (we were the FASTEST growing company in our industry last year), we have temporarily halted recruiting so our Home Office can expand operations, staffing and so much more! I do not have a definite answer when our "recruiting freeze" will be lifted...but for now we know it will continue through March and April. I would be honored to welcome you to my team! In the mean time, I can help you set up your first party (you can earn hostess rewards to double your enrollment kit) and we can start training! You will be on my personal wait-list and the first person I contact when recruiting is open again!

Before I go, I wanted to share a few picture with you of the original "Queen Bee"....

Wedding Day! November 14, 1948

I think this picture is neat because they are holding my Mom (now known as Nonnie) and she is probably about Brooklyn's age...

Mame and Popeye with my Mom and her sister (Great Auntie Jamie)

Mame and I at a wedding

Mame and Popeye - Church Directory Picture

Popeye LOVED to stick his finger in your ear! Loved jokes!

Popeye's "She-Stock"
(Photo from their 50th Anniversary Family Photo Session)

Mame (right) and her older sister, Aunt Jo (left) Great Great Auntie Jo!
Aunt Jo is blessed to enjoy Brooklyn's visits...and she get's to step in and be Brooklyn's Great Great Grandma (the next best (and closest) thing to having "Mame").

The moment that she had been waiting for! She got her hands on "Esmerelda." We didn't announce Brooklyn's name until she was born...and Mame jokingly called her Esmerelda :)

Popeye's "She Stock" grew by one!

LOVE this...priceless.

So...I might have gotten a bit distracted by going down memory lane...but now you can see the woman behind "Queen Bee."


Kristen Brininstool
Senior Director, Thirty-One Gifts


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thirty-One...Amazing Growth with an Amazing Opportunity!!

Our Mission
Thirty-One is more than just a company.
We are people who believe in celebrating, encouraging and rewarding women for who they are.
Through God's strength, we've built a family of individuals who feel women deserve to treat themselves to something special.
Our commitment to provide women with a fulfilling, enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Words cannot begin to describe how honored I am to be a part of such an amazing company. Thirty-One had over 6,000 new consultants sign up in the month of January alone and is the #1 Direct Selling Company in our industry. Our amazing Founder and CEO, Cindy Monroe stated that, “no athlete can have a successful career without constant training, nutrition and conditioning and neither can we.”

In order to provide our customers and consultants with the best products, service and quality that you can expect from one of America’s Greatest Selling Companies, we will implement a temporary recruiting pause effective February 7th. This pause will allow our company to upgrade our software and make the changes needed to support our thriving business. As quickly as the sales field has expanded, Thirty-One needs time to catch their breath. In just 8 years Thirty-One has grown to achieve the level that it takes other companies over 20 years to achieve! Way to go, Thirty-One!!

On a side note...I LOVE how "BIG" Thirty-One truly is. It amazes me that because of us, consultants, we are able to provide employment opportunities for so many people!! Through this change, we are going to be able to give the precious gift of employment to many more individuals! It trickles down in ways that we never see...FedEx, UPS, Home Office Staff, packaging companies, embroidery companies, factories and more!! OUR job makes it possible for others to provide for their families. What a blessing!!

If you feel confident at this time that you would like to jump on the band wagon and be a part of something truly magical then I invite you to join my team prior to February 7th. This temporary recruiting pause will allow us the opportunity to focus on the basics and will allow me as your leader to have the opportunity to help you grow your business even further as we gear up for the end of the recruiting pause. Now is a great time to join and focus on building your contacts and your personal business as you move toward building a team at a later date.

Thirty-One is a company like no other and I’m truly blessed that God has led me on this amazing journey. The amazing friendships that I have made, the financial freedom that it has afforded my family and the pure confidence that owning my own business has given me is something that I can never truly thank them enough for.

If you are ready to begin your own 31derful journey prior to the recruiting pause, then I invite you to visit and click on “Join My Team.” You may also visit my Opportunity Site at for more information regarding the company, my story and what Thirty-One has to offer! You will also find embroidery tips for your Consultant Kit! If you are still praying and are not yet ready to take your leap of faith then you will be among the first phone calls I will make once the pause has been lifted.
However, if you are ready, I would be honored to welcome you to my team and we willCELEBRATE with the arrival of your PINK BOX!! I will be there to ENCOURAGE you along the way, assist with booking parties and sharing the opportunity. Last, but not least…I would love to REWARD you for your commitment! Anyone who joins my team today through February 7th will receive $31 in NEW product (of your choice) when you qualify in your first 31 days! I currently have over 400 women in over 34 states on my team. I believe in Thirty-One and their motto: Celebrate | Encourage | Reward...and that’s just what we will do!

To all of my customers and hostesses please know that Thirty-One is thriving and there are many amazing things in store for you with our new catalog and our current specials! In honor of our amazing company you can take 31% off ANY item when you spend $31 this month! Now THAT is a great deal!!

I’m looking forward to hearing from those of you that are interested in starting your own journey with Thirty-One. I honestly do not know how long the hold will be in place, but I assure you that when it is lifted the enormous growth will continue AND you will be able to benefit from that after we have gotten you off to a great start! I just wanted to give you the opportunity to join the fastest growing direct-selling company!

Happy February!

Kristen Brininstool
Senior Director, Thirty-One Gifts

Click HERE to read Cindy Monroe's amazing message!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Spring into 31 with NEW Products!!

Spring has Sprung!!

Thirty-One’s NEW Spring/Summer Consultant Kit will be available at midnight tonight!!

It’s only $99 to join and it will be the best decision you make in 2011!!

Your kit will include:

*Large Utility Tote (Floral Celebration) - $30

Silk Scarf (Impressionist Dots) - $20

*Zipper Pouch (Chains Ahoy) - $12

Icon Coin Purse (Sailboat) - $14

*Picnic Thermal (Impressionist Dot) - $28

Littles Carry All Caddy (Impressionist Dot) - $12

*All-in-One Organizer (Circle Celebration) - $18

Wristlet Key Fob (Chains Ahoy) - $5

Thermal Tote (Floral Celebration) - $14

Wristlet Wallet (Chains Ahoy) - $22

About Town Blanket (Floral Celebration) - $39

Square Utility Tote (Impressionist Dots) - $24

*Stationery Set/20 notecards (Impressionist Dots) - $18

*Indicates items that can be personalized

Also included:

Fabric Swatch Set, Stationery Sample Set and all the Business Supplies you need for your first parties!

Also, earn an additional $300+ in products and materials ("Girl on the Go" Kit) when you meet your StartSwell goals in your first 45 days!!

Join my team ON January 15th from 12:00 am – 11:59 pm and receive a FREE Small Thermal Tote to add to your display! Our thermal totes are our top sellers!

Embroidery Tips:

It’s great to choose a different thread color and embroidery style for each item so you have more to display! You can do your last name, first name, single initial with dots, 3-initial monogram OR a fun saying! (i.e., Junk Trunk, Liquid Therapy, Cheers, Odds n’ Ends (on two lines!). Thread Colors: Floral Celebration: Hot Pink, Orange, Raspberry / Chains Ahoy: Hot Pink, Raspberry, Orange, Red, Lime Green / Impressionist Dot: Hot Pink, Raspberry, Navy, Limeade / Circle Celebration: Navy, Hot Pink, White

View the new catalog online:

(available for customers February 1, 2011)

Thirty-One has done more for our family than I ever dreamed. In the past eighteen months, I have promoted to Senior Consultant, Director and currently Senior Director with 318 fabulous consultants on my team. I love that I only have to leave the house to go to work 1-2 times a week…and that I get to go hang out with other women!! I love Thirty-One and everything they stand for! I would be honored to have you on my team and share Thirty-One with you!!

If you know of anyone who would be interested in this opportunity or who could benefit from Thirty-One, please share my blog and information with them!

Have questions…contact me!

Kristen Brininstool
Senior Director, Thirty-One Gifts





**Stay tuned to Facebook for the latest updates**

Thanks for your continued support and helping to make my business successful!!

The name Thirty-One is derived from the Old Testament, where Proverbs 31 describes a virtuous woman who exhibits hard work, wisdom, encouragement and care for others. Because of these qualities she is worthy of reward, honor and praise. It is our intention to celebrate, encourage and reward women for who they are as individuals.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Drumroll's here!! NEW Spring/Summer Catalog!!

It's HERE!!
I am absolutely in LOVE with the NEW Spring/Summer catalog and I know you will be too!
Just wanted to share a few of my favorite pages with you!
LOVE this page...the picnic thermal says "Brininstool"!

Circle Spirals reminds me of Multi-Dot meets Happy Dot!! Too cute!! Fabulous new Beach Tote and XXL Tote are going to be HOT new products!
Oh, Baby...Oh, Baby!! Thirty-One has expanded the 31Kid line and it's amazing!! Cheeky Elephants, Playful Robots and Apple Blossom! Perfect for babies, kids or those young at heart! My favorite new products are the bib/burp cloth SET, short/tall utility bins AND Boxers/Bloomers!!NEW Enrollment Kit
Start 2011 with a new career for only $99!! Thirty-One isn't work because it's so much fact, some call it a "jobby" (job/hobby). I guarantee you will love the products, the company and your co-workers!

The Enrollment Kit includes the following fabulous new fabrics: Floral Celebration, Impressionist Dot, Chains Ahoy and Circle Celebration. Products include: Large Utility Tote, Square Utility Tote, Picnic Thermal, About Town Blanket, Scarf, Icon Coin Purse, Zipper Pouch, Thermal Tote, Littles Carry All Caddy, Wristlet Key Fob and a box of stationary! You will be set to "Party with a Purpose...and yes, all of this for only $99!

Don't forget...join my team ON January 15th (this Saturday) and you will also receive a FREE Thermal Tote of your choice!! The Small Thermal Tote would make a great addition to your kit! It is available in Onyx Medallion, St. Andrews Tartan, Boho Patchwork Paisley, Chains Ahoy, Garden Lattice, Apple Blossom or Tea & Coffee.

StartSwell Kit
The SS Kit is pictured in the bottom corner...this will give you everything you need for the "Girl on the Go." It's easy to earn this kit for FREE during your first 45 days...ask me how!!

For close up screen shots from last night's Product Reveal, visit Kristen's 31 Gifts!

If you are in love and must have what you see...or if you have questions, feel free to contact me! I'd love to chat and tell you more!

Kristen Brininstool
Senior Director, Thirty-One Gifts

Friday, January 7, 2011

Are you ready?? (New Catalog Info, New Consultant Incentives and Discontinued Product List)

...if not, hold onto your seats because the Spring/Summer 2011 catalog is nearly here! I have received so much interest lately regarding Thirty-One, that I decided my blog needed a little update!

Did you hear?? Thirty-One is currently the fastest growing company in the Direct Sales industry...we grew by 500% last year - WOW!! (this explains why I have had so many people contacting me...Thirty-One is amazing!!!)

Here's the low-down on the new catalog and how YOU can get the new enrollment kit it in your hot little hands!!

The fabulous catalog will officially make it's grand debut on February 1st and run through July 31st, 2011. ALL consultants who enroll January 15th or later will receive the NEW kit!! What's in the new kit? All the business materials you need to get started (catalogs, order forms, post cards, instructions and of course, the best products ever (pinky swear!!). In 72 hours I will be able to tell you a bit more about this...but for now, I'll have to hold you in suspense! Thirty-One is having their GRAND PRODUCT REVEAL this Sunday (1-9-10)!!!

Any consultants who join my team ON January 15th (from 12:00 a.m. until 11:59 p.m.) will receive a FREE Thermal Tote (your choice!) to add to your kit (my little gift to you)!! Historically, Thirty-One always includes the regular size thermal tote in the enrollment kit...however the Small Thermal Tote is the perfect addition! These are both top sellers!

(shown above: Small Thermal Tote: Boho Patchwork Paisley and Regular Thermal Tote: *NEW* Floral Celebration)

(PS - If you like what you see, head on over to my Facebook Fan Page, become a fan/like and start referring your friends! You could win a FREE Thermal Tote just for sharing my page with your friends!)

Thirty-One has also revamped our StartSwell program to allow you to earn the Qualification for FREE in your first 45 days!! This is now known as your StartSwell kit! ...and trust me, SO SO easy to earn...I sold over $2,000 my first month as a consultant and so can you ($1800 will be a piece of cake)!! Map out and book your first four parties and you'll be golden!!! Tell your friends and family how excited you are about Thirty-One and ask them when they can host one of your first parties!!

Who wouldn't want this amazing set of products for FREE??!!??

Products in the StartSwell Kit are:
Brown Skirt purse with a new fabric Fitted Purse Skirt; a new style purse; Brown Pocket-Full-of-Posies City Weekender Tote; new fabrics in the Cosmetic Bag and Retro Metro Bag; a new wallet and key fob. Business supplies include 25 Spring/Summer catalogs, 120 Girl On-the-Go party invitations, 50 order forms, Personalization Swatches, a StartSwell (Girl On-the-Go) Kit card and a set of 10 Party With a Purpose: Girl On-The-Go cards.

Dream Rewards
When I wanted to quit my job to stay at home, one of our concerns was never being able to travel. However, through Thirty-One I have earned TWO trips! Last Fall, I went on the Director Leadership trip with my husband in Maya Riviera, Mexico AND we are going on a 7-day Eastern Caribbean Cruise in a few weeks! I have earned Level 2 ($1600 towards a Carnival Cruise(paid for all of it!)) and Level 3 ($2,000 Apple/Mac Gift Certificate - purchased iMac) since joining Thirty-One...and I'm making more money than before I decided to stay home!

Whether you are a customer, hostess or upcoming will want to check these out!!

February Customer Special
February celebrated in 31 ways…31 percent off, that is! When you spends only $31 in February, you can choose ANY ITEM for 31 percent off! If you spend $62, you can choose TWO ITEMS at 31 percent off! February is the perfect time to start stocking the gift closet for the year, and this gives your guests plenty of great opportunities.

February Hostess Special
February Hostesses get BIG rewards when you host a $450+ party…you can choose the Cindy Tote at 70 percent off! Yes, one of our most popular products can be had for only $20.40! This stylish tote is perfect as a briefcase, a diaper bag, a scrapbooker’s bag and just about anything else you can think of.

In addition, there’s a booking bonus in February. When your Hostess has a party in February, for each guest who books off her party, both your February Hostess and her guest will each receive $5 off their party orders when the guest holds her party!

I truly love Thirty-One.
I love what it stands for. I love what it has done for my family. I love what it has done for myself (I have something that is "mine" and it has given me more self confidence). I love all the women I have met...consultants, hostesses and customers. I love everything that Thirty-One does for their consultants.
I love my Thirty-One family.

Join my team and find out how you can earn $250 towards National Conference 2011 (July 13-16 in Columbus, Ohio)!!
Just Imagine the Possibilities...

Out with the OLD and in with the NEW!
Click to view what favorite Thirty-One items/fabrics may be retiring!
The Fall/Winter Catalog and Holiday Gift Guide will expire on January 31st, 2011. The Spring/Summer 2011 Catalog will run February 1, 2011 through July 31, 2011.

A quick re-cap on My Thirty-One and 2010:

-January 1, 2010: 26 consultants on my team
-December 31, 2010: 307 consultants on my team
-Downline (Team) Sales: $751,003.05
-Personal Sales: $44,583
-Personal Recruits: 76
-Number of Parties: 65

Jan. 2010 -- $910.25
Feb. 2010 -- $1,332.73
March 2010 -- $1,059.99
April 2010 -- $1,414.84
May 2010 -- $1,927.82
June 2010 -- $811.07
July 2010 -- $1,159.66
August 2010 -- $3,140.86
Sept. 2010 -- $2,761.47
Oct. 2010 -- $6,680.86
Nov. 2010 -- $11,604.13
Dec. 2010 -- $5,751.41

I can't wait to help you get started on YOUR Thirty-One journey!

Happy New Year!
Kristen Brininstool
Senior Director, Thirty-One Gifts

Like it? Place an Order!
Love it? Host a Party!
Want it all? Become a Consultant!

Monday, January 3, 2011


The following article is an excerpt from a speech given by a direct seller at a local meeting. We are told she was asked to speak on how direct sales compares to working a “regular” job. It was submitted to us, and although the original author is unknown, we wish to thank her for her thoughts and insights. We have edited it to share with you as you embark on a brand new opportunity to count the many blessings we have in this business.

Lately, I have heard so many people say how difficult direct sales is. “It’s hard.” “I can’t get bookings.” “This just isn’t for me.” “I didn’t know how difficult it would be.”

Well, I am a single mom of three who, before joining the direct sales family, held down two jobs. I would get up at 4:00 in the morning and not get to bed until midnight most nights, after returning from my part-time retail job, packing lunches, checking homework and relieving my mother, who helped out with the kids.

That, my friends, is difficult.

It is difficult always having to lower your dreams to meet your means. It is difficult to miss your son’s football game because you have to work. It is difficult knowing the rust bucket you call a car is eating you alive in maintenance, but you can’t afford a new one. It is difficult to realize that someone else is going to watch your daughter take her first step or have your son say mama to the preschool teacher.

It is difficult knowing that you have spent 40 years of your life working for someone else, only to realize that you will be retiring on one-third of what you can live on today. Or, worse yet, it is difficult knowing that you have diligently worked all your life, only to be given an early retirement and be replaced by someone younger, more capable.

I will tell you what is difficult. It is difficult waking up one morning and realizing that your children, the most precious things imaginable, no longer need bottles, diapers, have tea parties, or are shorter than the baseball bat they are trying to swing. It is difficult realizing it is too late and that the time frittered away can never be retrieved. It slips through our fingers one second at a time.

It is also difficult watching the spark in your partner’s eyes fade because both of you realize the house you have been wanting is just a dream because someone else is controlling your finances.

We have nasty habits about rationalizing, procrastination and skirting important things, rather than facing the issues. Too often we allow others who do not pay our bills, who do not share our dreams, to direct our futures.

As children we have absolutely no freedom; we rebel in our teens and scream for freedom. We reach adulthood and are finally free, only to relinquish that freedom because we think it is too difficult. We do not want to take responsibility. We do not want to make a wrong decision, so we obligingly give that awesome power to someone else. We wake up too late. We hear ourselves uttering phrases like: “I wish I had only…” And “If I could do it over again…”

You have no one but yourself to blame. You had the chance. Perhaps the Opportunity was presented many times and each time you elevated the trivial to a higher priority than yourself.

Let me ask you: Is direct sales really difficult?

Is it so traumatic to show someone an exciting product or idea? Is it so difficult to understand that if you work this marketing idea for three to five years, you just might finally be able to send your children to a college chosen by excellence, rather than one chosen by price? That you could finally put your family in the home of their dreams?

Would you work really hard for eight to ten years, so you could mold a lifestyle of your choosing, so your family could live a lifestyle of their dreams, rather than trying to live how someone else thinks you should live?

How difficult is it to pick up the phone and call your hostess? How difficult is it to pack up your kit and meet some new friends? How difficult is it, really, to share what you love with others? Think about it.

Realize the awesome power you have in your hands with direct sales. There are people out there working three jobs. There are people drowning in debt; or agonizing through bankruptcy, realizing they only needed a couple hundred more dollars per month. That is difficult!!

This business you have chosen has the ability to change lives. Direct sales cannot do anything. But YOU can change lives with it. You are the one with the life-changing ability. What are you waiting for?

There is difficulty and pain in success, and there is difficulty and pain in failure. Difficulty and pain in success will last a short period of time but pain in failure lasts a lifetime. Which one is really more difficult?

You will pay a price for your actions and your choices.

Which choice will you make?