Saturday, August 7, 2010

Shop for FREE!! WIN a $20 Gift Certificate from Thirty-One!!

Kristen's Thirty-One Gifts will be featured on Give Away Today this coming Monday!!

Monday, August 9th
12:02 a.m. until midnight
TWO $20 Gift Certificates...that's right, TWO winners!!

Each contestant will have FOUR chances to win/enter!!
1. Leave a comment with your name and email
2. Leave a comment with your name and a product you would like if you are the winner
3. Become a fan of Kristen's 31 Gifts on Facebook!! (you can do this now!)
4. SURPRISE!! (visit Give Away Today on Monday to find out!!)

Please forward this information to all your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors.the more the merrier!! I would love to be one of their most successful features!

**When you leave your comment, feel free to tell other contestants about your favorite 31 products and what you use them for...or what you WISH you had and what you would use it for!! (ie, I LOVE my Large Utility has so many uses. It's great for the back of the car, soccer games, laundry, the pool.and more!!).**

I am really excited about this opportunity and want everyone who has been a part of my business to participate!!

Thanks for your support!!

Kristen Brininstool
Director, Thirty-One Gifts

210-373-7950 or

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 9th...Kristen's 31 Gifts on Give Away Today!!

Do you like winning things? I know I do!! August 9th...MONDAY...visit Give Away Today for a drawing from Kristen's 31 Gifts!!! Give Away Today is such a fun website...they are always featuring great companies and giving away fun products!!! All you have to do is enter...and you can enter up to FOUR times!!! WOW!!!

Kristen's 31 Gifts will be giving away, not one...but TWO $2o Gift Certificates!!! So tell your friends, because you and a friend could be the lucky winners!!!!
Become a fan/like of Kristen's 31 Gifts on Facebook to stay up to date on the latest happenings on Give Away Today!! Tell your friends to become a fan too...that way they can stay in the loop!! :) Also, becoming a fan is just one of the ways you can enter the fabulous contest (hint, hint!!).

On a side note, my wonderful friend Melissa, designed a fun little button for me to use as a logo...and I'm in love!! Keep your eye out for this little gem on Give Away Today, Little Daily Planner, Kristen's 31 Gifts on Facebook...and so much more!!!

Thanks so much!

Kristen Brininstool

Thirty-One Gifts, Director

210-373-7950 or